Band MusicT T
Can you provide printed copies of the music?
Many bands now have the capabilities to print the parts and bind the scores. However, in most cases we can do this for you for a small additional charge.
Are there any benefits of downloading the PDFs?
You can download the music immediately you complete the purchase and if you need a replacement part you can just print it. In addition, you save postage costs and delays.
Is there an educational discount?
For arrangements of music subject to third party copyright we do not normally have the rights to change the price.
What if I find an error in one or more parts?
Obviously we check for errors but in the unlikely event that a layout, note length or pitch etc error has been made please let us know so that we can correct it.
Do you publish errata for parts?
Yes. You can find our errata page here with links to replacement parts. You only need to download the revised parts if your purchase date is earlier than the errata date as we update the downloadedable sets.
Can I get a refund and return the music if I change my mind?
We encourage customers to check the score and mp3 rendition to ensure that the music is suitable. It is practically impossible for us to verify if you have erased the PDF and returned/shredded printed copies with the result that the copyright holders will not generally make refunds. This does not affect your statutory rights.
Can you provide simplified parts?
We can customise arrangements but the cost depends on how long these changes take.
Can you provide additional parts for other instruments?
This is fairly routine for the Flexible Wind Ensembles. However, we have to charge if it is necessary to revise the arrangement as a result.
Will you arrange music for our band?
Subject to permission from copyright owners, we are happy to consider arranging any music as well as write new music for an event or band. It's not as expensive as you might think!
© K Davies Created by Treweren Consultants Ltd